Sunday, April 22, 2007

Muscle Ache

The above picture is a view inside our den at the end of one recent day. This picture shows Red Wing boots parked in front of a Bob Timberlake sofa after hard work on a home improvement project.

This work was needed to collect storm water runoff and channel it across the front of our house. During recent years, heavy rainfall resulted in water seeping into our basement floor.

After many years of maintaining a dry basement, water from heavy rains began flowing off the street and along the driveway, down the sidewalk and across the lawn close to our house. Also, the gutter downspout drain line flowed underground next to the basement wall. This drain line, perhaps, became clogged or cracked after 20 plus years and may have contributed to the wet basement floor.

Two pictures below show installation of a trough in the sidewalk and 40 feet of 6" PVC pipe laid in a open ditch to direct the water flow past my house. The gutter downspout flow now enters this new pipe at a T-joint.

The last picture shows the pipe covered with dirt and the finished appearance. Seeding this space for grass will finish the job.

This project took around 10 hours spread over several days to dig, shovel, saw, and break concrete in preparation to install a trough, grate, and pipe.

I believe this will solve the wet basement problem.

Have a good week.


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