Sunday, September 02, 2007

Columbia River Gorge

The view above is from Vista House at Crown Point overlooking the Columbia River Gorge. This river is the border between the states of Washington and Oregon. One historical marker indicates that the road from Crown Point descends 600' to near river level and maintains a 5 percent grade. The road was built around 1915 and supervised by Samuel Christopher Lancaster, highway engineer, from the state of Tennessee. Local road builders insisted the road couldn't be built and resentment ensued when Mr. Lancaster showed it could be done.

The Columbia River Highway was known as "king of roads" during the 1920's. A marker at one view point outlined the vision of the scenic highway where "tired men and women ...may enjoy the wild beauty of nature's art gallery and recreate themselves".

My wife and I drove the route, toured the waterfalls and hiked some trails in August 2007 and enjoyed the beauty of nature there.

Have a good week!

Vista House is shown in this picture.


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