Sunday, February 11, 2007

Snow Day

What do you do when wintry weather cancels a work day and you stay home?

This happened to my wife and me on February 1st, 2007. We used this unscheduled time to watch three DVD movies on our 32" wide-screen LCD HDTV.

The three movies were The Longest Yard (2005), A Wedding for Bella (2003), and Serving Sara.

The Longest Yard was about a prison where the inmates competed against the prison guards by playing football.

A Wedding for Bella was about a rush to marry before the bride's mother died from terminal cancer.

Both movies were good and worth the time to watch. The movie Serving Sara was best. This 2002 film was about 99 minutes in length and I believe I spent 30 of those minutes laughing uncontrollably. Tears flowed from my eyes, my stomach was fatigued from the belly laughs. My wife laughed almost equally (although she may have been laughing at my hilarity).

I've never laughed so robustly for so long as I did while watching this movie about two men competing to deliver divorce paper first to each spouse in order to get the divorce hearing heard in New York versus Texas. Serious money was riding on getting these papers delivered to the man first.

If you haven't seen this movie, I highly recommend it if you like to laugh.

Have a good week.


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