Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Clip Newspaper Coupons

My wife and I have been married almost 39 years. During this period, my wife clipped newspaper and magazine coupons regularly and used them when shopping for our household needs. Scissors are nearby when she reads Sunday's Winston-Salem Journal newspaper as she cuts and stacks coupons that offer price off incentives. She maintains a stack of coupons that probably measure an inch thick. She routinely flips through them to remove the expired dates or products she changed her mind about a purchase. When she sends me to grocery shop or she goes herself, we take coupons that match items on the list of needs that week. She schedules shopping to match days when our food store triples the value of coupons. Last week her coupons totaled $38.49 when HT tripled the value. See the circled amount on the actual Harris Teeter receipt above.

This amount doesn't happen each week. The average weekly savings is probably between $5 and $10 when combined with VIC specials. Over the period of 39 years, savings from coupons and VIC specials probably saved us between ten and twenty thousand dollars of after tax money. This amount could pay tuition, room, and board at many universities for one year.

My wife is an intelligent shopper. She spends time in stores getting familiar with products, new products, and prices. I never complain or admonish this activity the way I hear some men express about men or women using their time this way.

I'll share a couple neat products we use in a future blog update.

Have a good week!


At 4/08/2008 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow you sure saved a lot on groceries from coupons...it's especially essential to use them considering how the prices of groceries have increased so much.


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