Sunday, September 09, 2018

High School Substitute Teaching During My Retirement Years

🍎 My Educator Statistics at the end of school year 2017 - 2018

🍎 Years as a substitute teacher: 13

🍎 Number of days worked as a substitute teacher: 885

🍎 Percent of school days worked: 38%

🍎 Overall average days worked: 2 days per week

🍎Number of schools worked: 3/4 of all high schools in WSFC

🍎Which school worked most: Reagan High School, 95%

🍎Number of teachers subbed for: 45 to 55 est.

🍎Number of opportunities to inspire students: 88,500
      (885 days times 100 students per day)

🍎Number of unique students in classrooms: 9,000-11,000 est.

🍎Number of invites to be the graduation commencement speaker: 1, 2011
        (honor of lifetime)

🍎My personal growth enabled by interacting with modern teenagers: Immense

Inducted into the Reagan High School Hall of Fame 2016  (an honor of a lifetime)


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