Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Active Duty

Dear FaceBook & Instagram friends who are 1/3 to 1/2 my age and serving in military uniform on active duty:

"Please know that I think of you often and pray for you during my quiet contemplations.  I know what it's like to wear a uniform and be in harm's way.  When I was there, I stayed in quiet contemplation with the One who created me and am certain that my strength and endurance throughout were derived from that connection.  My comrades and our leaders performed amazing feats in the combat zones and my participation with them impacted me for the rest of my life.  My life has been enriched beyond imagination and I am so satisfied by my experiences in uniform.  I hope you will feel the same when you're my age.  In the meantime, do your job well and work hard to grow in all aspects of duty, family, and country.  As I continue to wear my original and only set of dog tags, know that this veteran is so proud of you and so greatly appreciates your sacrifices.  I will continue my prayers in support of you and pay my taxes in full without complaint."

Mike Mabe (1947 - ____ )
soldier 3, university student 4, corporate leader 32, high school substitute teacher 11, leadership coach 2, married 47+, offspring 2, no meds 70

Saturday, April 01, 2017

Preconceived Notions

Dear Facebook & Instagram Friends Who Are 1/4 to 1/2 My Age:

"I love to have my mind changed.  When I hold preconceived notions that turnout to be wrong, there is enlightenment which makes me feel good inside.  This happened to me again recently when I visited New Orleans for the first time.  I went there with low opinions based on jokes I'd heard, word of mouth reports, news, and tv news of hurricane Katrina and its aftermath.  After spending 88 hours on the ground there, meeting, interacting, and engaging with many native people, I completely changed my mind about the place and its people.  This will happen throughout your life as reality is introduced to your imagination.  So my message to you is to remain humble about people and places until you have witnessed their point of view firsthand.  Often, it will be impossible for you to have insights or understand another's place or POV.  In all instances don't be judgmental."

Mike Mabe (1947 - ____ )
soldier 3, university student 4, corporate leader 32, high school substitute teacher 11, leadership coach 2, married 47+, offspring 2, no meds 70