Friday, March 31, 2017

A Final Salute

L to R, Alex McMillian, Mike Mabe, David Taylor, and Joe Idol of Chapter 638 Military Order of the Purple Heart rendered a final salute to a 91 year-old veteran last Tuesday.  Inside the Kernersville church, one by one each man reverently approached the flag-draped casket, eased to the position of attention, passed through the motions of a slow salute,  then moved unnoticeably out of the sanctuary as the deceased's family and friends looked on.  An honor to participate in the memorial service.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Latest Book Read

consumed each word and processed every sentence by sight and hearing to the best of my ability in the book,
Xcellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite & the way to a Meaningful Life
by William Deresiewicz, 2015, 256 pages

Watched This Movie

watched the movie Apocalypse Now: Redux 2001.  This revived classic contains around 50 minutes more film than the original in 1979.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Don't stop. Keep improving.

Dear Readers Who Are 1/4 to 1/2 My Age:

"One rule-of-thumb suggests most people should spend 3% of their annual disposable income on instructional activities to advance personal growth and professional development.  Consumption of books, attendance at seminars and conferences, completion of classes, or enrollment in online courses are examples of ways to stay abreast of changing times. If one's income after taxes is $30,000, for example, the rule implies that $900 should be spent on activities to stay up-to-date.  The point is this:  Your diploma is just the beginning of the learning needed to stay satisfied to contribute to your family and to society.  Decide what your per annum spending should be for your personal growth and professional development until you're my age and beyond."

Mike Mabe (1947 - ____ )
soldier 3, university student 4, corporate leader 32, high school substitute teacher 11, leadership coach 2, married 47+, offspring 2, no meds 70.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Finished Reading

Mabe consumed each word and processed every sentence to the best of his ability in the book, Daughters of the Samurai: A Journey from East to West and Back by Janice P. Nimura, 2015, 352 pages.